Friday, February 15, 2008

An Award!

My good friend Andy over at Life of a Story Engineergave me a blogger award. Thanks Andy!

I've had a lot of fun with this blog. I really like how it has turned out. I had tons of awesome ideas for it and during the summer, after I have finished student teaching, I'll probably do some more fun stuff and update more often. Currently though, life is pretty busy so sorry if I am not regular at updating. The First Impression series will probably end in a month or so, and I'll start a new Friday spotlight article theme. Just so you know. Keep reading my friends!

I give this award to:
A fellow writer and writing group member. He likes to blog about writing and writes review of sci-fi novels.
My old friend writes about her experiences in Japan. I miss her so whenever she updates I'm happy to hear how she is doing.

I know I'm supposed to have ten, but I'm not sure if all the blog people I read haven't been tagged yet or not. So Prehaps this will have to be updated later.

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